Soaring Eagles Back on Track After our summer classes at Pepper Grove the Soaring Eagle dance workshop this October 5, 2016 is back at Ballard Parent Center in Old Town. This evening we sang traditional Indian songs and the children danced traditional dances and all was right in our San Diego American Indian pow wow dance world. We felt very good that there is harmony and balance, in the dance circle, where it should be. Many of our other familiar features were in place.
After a fine meal of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, salads, fruit and rolls we started the Dance workshop. Some two dozen young dancers made choices of shawls, sticks, hoops and bells and filled the circle with enthusiasm.
Chuck gave special instruction in several of the dance styles. We are always grateful for the dedication of our singers and dance mentors and parents in support of our children. Seeing so many young dancers makes us feel good about the future of our traditions and community and especially the lives of our children. For more information regarding the SOARING EAGLES please contact:Vickie Gambala 619-266-2887 Jennifer Garcia 619-540-4688 Carla Tourville 619-743-9847 |