A Fresh Start for Soaring Eagles

Tonight's workshop was the return to Ballard Center after a great summer of gatherings on Indian land at Pepper Grove. We continue to see many new families and familiar friends gathered for the Soaring Eagle Dance and regalia workshop. Our observation through the years has shown that we can make an impact on our urban and rural Indian children. Our traditions are a living experience and these workshops are made a part of lifelong memories.

Our meal this evening seemed more like a buffet than a potluck meal. There was carved ham and fried chicken, potato wedges, macaroni salad, green salad, veggie platter, rolls, and, and, and. Thanks to all who brought dishes to fill out the table. While we finished our meal, and listened and chewed at the same time, Chuck shared a review of recent and upcoming events. He reviewed the schedule of workshop dates and fliers noting the dates were also available. As a tradition we had the three new families introduce themselves and we welcomed all to the Soaring Eagles.

When the dancing got underway the enthusiasm was everywhere. Dancers chose sticks and fans, strapped on bells, folded shawls, all in preparation for the songs. From the pictures some dancers didn't wait for the songs, perhaps just 'loosening up' or testing their bells.




With a full circle the traditional two groups worked well. All seemed excited to be back together and many of the new dancers seemed to find their place in the circle. Some 'new' dancers brought their previous experience to the group. A great time.

We finished up with our traditional Round Dance, bringing everyone into the circle together. Two shots are needed to show them.


After most of the families have started safe travels home some of our Champion dancers like to get some special practice time in, so the Singers accommodate them with contest or specialty songs. We're especially proud of our dancers who continue to mature and grow in these traditions.


Our summer at the Grove brought new families every time we gathered and it's great to see so many of them finding their way to the Ballard Center in the Old Town location. It shows us that these traditions will continue on and we can look forward to a new season of Soaring Eagles. We're going to be there and hope you are too. Thanks again to all who make it possible. Aho!!

 For Soaring Eagle contact, presentations or information please call:

Vickie Gambala 619-306-7318 vickiegambala@gmail.com
Jennifer Garcia 619-540-4688 mariposa2172@yahoo.com
Carla Tourville 619-743-9847 carlatourville@yahoo.com

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