Indian Time - The Timeless Cycles of Life

It was once again time to gather for our Soaring Eagle Workshop in the Park. This is a timeless event because Tribal people have been gathering in this location perhaps since creation. As the day cooled just a bit and the breeze began to lift up from the growing shadows of the canyon we began to gather again. Indian time gave our first time families a chance to receive a little intro into the basics of the women's dance style from Chuck. Each time he shares this with new dancers he draws on a lifetime of experience and the wisdom of the Elders who have guided him. A timeless cycle that passes on these traditions to those who will pass it on again, part of Indian Time. At other gatherings our esteemed Elder, Randy, has shared that there may be a schedule printed on the flier but we also go by Indian Time which says things will happen at their own pace, when they're ready.
We thank the young ones for helping with the blessing and those who prepared the food and brought dishes to fill out the table.


We had dancers in every category to practice their moves. The sticks, shawls, fans and bells help the dancers and are all traditional accessories to the regalia. We always appreciate the support for our dancers from mentors and the Singers.


Sometimes in the dance circle the dancers who appear the older, most experienced are the newest dancers and the youngest dancers can already share what they've learned. A great time seemed to be had by all.

As the shadows lengthened we still had great songs and enthusiasm from our dancers and singers. We celebrated a birthday with cupcakes all around, then finished up with a Round Dance. We meet once more in the Park on Aug 22.


For Soaring Eagle contact, presentations or information please call:

Vickie Gambala 619-306-7318

Jennifer Garcia 619-540-4688

Carla Tourville 619-743-9847

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