It was again that time of year when the Indian Community gathers together in celebration and recognition of the educational achievements of special members of our community. At Ballard Center the combined efforts of the Soaring Eagles, SDAIHC, Youth Center, Title VII, HHSA and the greater community and parents at large came to celebrate and recognize our High School and College graduates this past year. The room was filled with families and well wishers in recognition of these outstanding efforts. Stan offered the blessing for our food in Kumeyaay and we all enjoyed a traditional meal of Indian Tacos made by the Paul Razo family and other fine potluck items to round out the menu. As folks finished up we opened the evening with an issue dear to all our hearts and particularly graduates on the issue / right of wearing traditional items at graduations. It was informative and reminded us all of the strength of our traditions and challenges that remain. Ozzie Monge was our guest speaker who touched on many similar issues and pointed out that tradition teaches us that learning is a life long experience. Stan shared a history and local perspective on the presentation of eagle feathers and the respect and regard for them by the recipients. Two brothers from Mesa Grande, Jake and Dakota offered a set of Birdsongs in honor of the graduates.
Our first row were High School graduates and next our college and University graduates. They also include a Phd degree. Impressive
The Green River Singers sang an Honor Song with words saying as we keep our Indian traditions to further our education for the benefit of the People. John Hood finished with a prayer and song on behalf of all our honorees. Congratulations and Thank you for the support given them. Aho! |